DIN angle globe v
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产品描述:Lined butterfly valve Válvulas Mariposa Válvulas Macho Xomox.Válvula Borboleta.VÁLVULA RETENÇÃO VÁLVULA BORBOLETA,Ketinė tarpflanšinė užsklanda,VALVULA DE MARIPOSA.API 6A Products.Christmas Tree.Gate Valves.Globe Valve.Check Valves.Ball Valves.Strainer Valve.Butterfly Valves.Plug Valves Pressure Seal Valve.Cast Iron Valve.Cryogenic Valve.Various Valves.Flanges.Fittings.Pipes


Válvula Borboleta Válvula Borboleta 2 Válvula Borboleta Light Válvula Borboleta Light 2 Válvula Borboleta Completa Válvula Borboleta Wafer Borboleta Tri-Excêntrica Fire Safe Borboleta API 609 A Série NE Borboleta API 609 A Séries NP/NT Borboleta API 609 A Série NP Revestimento PTFE Borboleta API 609 A Série NF Borboleta API 609 A Série RS Borboleta API 609 B Série RT Borboleta API 609 B Série INTER-LOK Borboleta AWWA C-504 Série WS Borboleta EN-593 Série MS  Apollo Ball, Butterfly, and Check Valves; Bronze, Steel, and Stainless Steel Valves and Automation Products.
ASCO Solenoid Valves, 2, 3 & 4 Way, Brass & Stainless Steel, Temperature & Pressure Switches, Pneumatics, Valve Position Monitors, Limit Switches, and Digital Controllers.Ashcroft Pressure & Temperature Gauges, Switches, Transmitters, Transducers, Indicators and Test Equipment A-T Controls Triac Ball and Butterfly Valves, Actuators, Valve Controls; Manual and Automated Valve Packages Banner Wireless The SureCross Wireless System is an industrial grade wireless I/O network that can operate in extreme environments. The most basic SureCross sensor network includes a Gateway system controller and one or more Nodes that monitor and/or control I/O in remote locations.Cash Valve Pressure Reducing and Back Pressure Regulators and Control Valves. Commercial & Industrial Conbraco Commercial HVAC and Plumbing Products Including Back Flow Preventers, Relief Valves & Strainers.Dwyer Instruments Valves & Instruments for Flow, Level, Pressure & Temperature Monitoring and Control; Control Valves, Switches, Transmitters, and Process Indicators. EMS Valve Automation Kits & Accessories; Full Service Engineering & Manufacturing of ISO and Custom Valve and Accessory Mounting Kits Fisher-Rosemount New and Remanufactured Fisher Valves & Rosemount Instruments; Save 40% - 70%. Includes full 2 Year Warranty from Date of Installation.Flomatic Valves, Sensors, and Controls; Commercial, Industrial & Municipal; Ward Inline Check Valves and StrainersFluid Line Technology Heat Exchangers, Sample Coolers, SIP-ABLE Sample Valves, Angle Bleed and Sample Valves, Tee Block and Sample Valves, Tee Block Bleed and Sample Valves, Thermowells, Dip Tubes, Instrument Tees & CPM's, Filter Housings.Gadren Machine Heavy Duty Industrial Float Valves in Brass, Bronze and Stainless Steel, Pressure Reducing Valves and Vacuum Relief Valves Hayward Plastic Valves, Flowmeters, and Controls; Heavy Duty Industrial Plastic for General, Ultra Pure and Corrosive Service Kerick Plastic Float Valves; Heavy Duty and Miniature; PVC Float Valves and Floats, Stainless Steel Float Rods Kunkle Pressure Relief Valves, Process and Safety Relief, Bronze and Stainless Steel, New and Remanufactured Milwaukee Ball, Butterfly, Check, Gate & Globe Valves; For Reliable Commercial and Industrial Service.Newmans Gate, Globe, and Check Valves; Full Line of Newco and OIC Valves in All Sizes and Materials.ReoTemp Bimetal, Digital & Surface Thermometers, Thermowells, Complete Line of Pressure Gauge and Diaphragm Seal Assemblies Rotork RCI Pneumatic, Electric, and Electro-hydraulic Actuators for Valves and Dampers, RPC (Formerly Jordan Controls) Rotary and Linear Valve Actuators.Saunders IDV Industrial Diaphragm Valves; Weir Type, Straight Thru, and High Flow, Valves, Actuators, and Controls.Saunders HC4 Aseptic Diaphragm Valves; High-purity, Zero Dead Leg, Close Coupled, Tandem, Multiport, Tank Bottom, Manifold/Clusters, BioBlock, Valves and Actuators.Smith Gate, Globe, Check, and Sour Service Valves; Forged Steel Valves for Commercial and Industrial Service.Solent & Pratt Metal Seated Valves, Zero leakage metal sealing valves with patented triple offset, quarter-turn geometry.Spirax Sarco Control Valves & Steam Traps, Steam & Fluid Handling; Regulators, Meters, Monitors and Systems Stockham Ball, Butterfly, Check, Gate & Globe Valves; For Reliable Commercial and Industrial Service.SVF Valves Ball Valves, Control Ball Valves, 3-way Diverters, Limit Switches, Steam Service, Chlorine Service, Actuators, Solenoids, Sanitary & Custom Valves TBV/Techno Ball Valves and Technocheck Check Valves, Commercial and Industrial Applications; Large Selection of all Types. The Valve Shop Select, Price, and Buy Valves Online. Large selection of on-off and flow control valves for biopharm, commercial, industrial and water/wastewater applications.Titan FCI Wye Strainers, Basket Strainers, Butterfly Valves, Check Valves, Butterfly Valves, and Fabricated Products Topworx/GO Switch Manufactures on-off valve position indicators and control products, including valve diagnostics and on board Foundation Fieldbus and ASi communication protocols, and GO Switch leverless limit switches.Triac Ball Valves, Pneumatic & Electric Actuators, and Controls; Valve Automation, Limit Switches, and Positioners.Turck Network I/O, Cables and Connectors; Automation Sensors, Hardware and I.S. Barriers Valmicro Sanitary Butterfly Valves: Manual and Automated for Clean, Food Grade, and Sanitary Process Applications.Velan Ball, Gate, Globe, Check and Butterfly Valves; Manufacturer of Industrial Cast and Forged Steel Valves for Industrial and Severe Service Applications Versa Valve Valves: Pneumatic and Hydraulic Control, Switching, and Solenoid Valves for Industrial Applications.Westlock Controls Valve Position Indicators and Transmitters, Monitors, Limit Switches, and Valve Positioners for Automation and Control Applications.Wilkins Water Pressure Regulators, Automatic Control Valves, Backflow Preventers, Strainers, Thermostatic Mixing Valves, Temperature and Pressure Relief Valves, Plumbing Products, and Fire Valves.Xomox Ball, Butterfly, and Plug Valves: Sleeved and Lined, High Performance, Metal Seated Valves and ActuatorsYeary Controls Sharktooth Butterfly Control Valve and Quadrosphere Trunnion Ball Valve for difficult and severe service applicationsVálvula Borboleta Tipo Wafer para montagem entre Flange Padrão DIN e ANSI– Classe 150Lbs Fabricação DN 2” a 24”Valvula borboleta tipo Wafer semi-lug, p/ montagem entre flange P. Din ou ANSI – Classe 150Lbs.Corpo em F°Fº Nodular ASTM A-536 GR. 65-45-12 ou Aço Carbono ASTM A-216 GR. WCBDisco reforçado em F°Fº Nodular, Aço Carbono ou Aço Inox (304, 316, 410)Eixos em Aço Inox AISI 410Sede de vedação: EPDM, BUNA-N, VITON, HYPALON, SILICONE, SBR, NBR, NEOPRENE, TEFLON.Acionamento: Alavanca, Caixa redutora c/ volante, atuadores Pneumático e Elétrico, Flutuador tipo Boia, etc.Construção de acordo com norma API-609Pressão de trabalho: 150 LBS/pol.Ketinė tarpflanšinė užsklanda Lauko inžinerinių tinklų sistemos Pastatų vidaus santechnikos medžiagos Šilumos ūkio įranga Vandens valymo įrenginiai.Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valves

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